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Customer Reviews
of our Magic collection selling service

Review left Aug 30 2023
Shipment processed Jul 26 2023
$1,592.08 payout, $83.79 fees

Fantastic and consistent!


I would absolutely recommend CC to anyone who is looking to part ways with their paper collections. I originally sent about half of my collection in 2021, and with the pay out I received ($2200ish) I was able to pay for a nice chunk of my wife’s engagement ring. This time around, I sent in the remainder as I no longer play paper MTG. Both experiences have been extremely quick and convenient. I really enjoy the breakdown they send after each order. 10/10 would recommend
We launched our reviews feature in January 2021, and invited every previous customer to leave a review. Reviewers have the option to omit their payout/fee amounts and shipment highlights page. We publish all reviews, unedited, but may post a response in certain cases. We may need to remove a review if it's offensive (profanity, etc).