Frequently Asked Questions

What is your Standard Service?
Just pack and ship. Send in up to 2,500 of your unsorted Magic cards. We'll catalog and assess the value for each card, provide a full report of our work, and send payment to you. Our fee for this service is 10% of the total value we assess for your cards, plus $0.03 per card. We recommend filtering out bulk commons and basic lands in advance, as they are routinely not worth the cost to ship/process and removing them is a net benefit.
What is your Curated Service?
Filter out your low value cards. Only valuable cards ($0.50+ buylist) are eligible for our Curated Service. We'll catalog and assess the value for each card, provide a full report of our work, and send payment to you. Our fee is only 5% of the total value we assess for your cards. Refer to our price checker or our collection estimate tool to confirm your cards meet our $0.50+ buylist value requirement.
What is your Sorted Service?
You do the sorting. List and sort your cards in advance. We'll assess the condition and value, and provide a full report of our work. Our fee for this service is 2% of the total value we assess for your cards, with no per card fee. You can send up to 500 cards per shipment. After you create a Sorted Service shipment, you can use our selection tool to add eligible cards to your list.
What TCGs do you accept?
Magic: The Gathering. We may expand to other card games in the future, but for now we only accept Magic cards.
Is this consignment?
No. Our service provides buylist (wholesale) value for your cards. We issue payment to you within days of completing our value assessment -- unlike consignment, where you would wait weeks or months for your items to sell at retail price.
How does your service compare with buylisting on my own?
Less effort, better results. Our total payout, even after subtracting our fee, has been an average of 19% better than what you would get from a single major retailer buylist. Vendors differ in the prices and cards they are interested in buying, and we are able to optimize for the best price while also saving you from the effort of checking prices, sorting cards, and submitting to multiple buylists. [based on an analysis of customer shipments against major retail buylists we work with, Sept 2021 - Jan 2022]
After shipping my cards, I've changed my mind. Can I get my cards back?
Yes, if we haven't processed them yet. If your shipment has not yet been received, or has been received but we have not begun processing it, you can pay the shipping cost + insurance to have your shipment returned.
What if my Curated Shipment has low value cards?
We may need to apply our Standard Service fees. 90% of the cards in your Curated Service shipment should be at least $0.50 buylist value. If there are a significant number of cards falling short of our value criteria, we will need to apply the higher fees of our Standard Service when processing your shipment. We recommend using our price checker or our collection estimate tool to verify the value of your cards.
How should my Sorted Shipment be sorted?
By set code, then card name (but please consult our list). After you select the cards you'd like to send to our Sorted Service, we will provide a list that indicates how the cards should be sorted (by set code, then name). Your cards should form a face-up stack where the top card is the top item in the list, and so on.
What if my Sorted Shipment is not sorted correctly?
We may need to apply our Curated Service fees. Once you have finalized the cards in your Sorted Shipment, we will provide a list for sorting purposes and you will be expected to organize your cards accordingly. If we find a few cards have been incorrectly sorted -- it's fine, mistakes happen! -- but if the sorting is seriously off we will need to apply the rates of our Curated Service instead.
What if cards in my Sorted Shipment are missing, or the wrong version?
Adjustments will be noted. Any differences between the cards you submitted and the cards we received will be detailed on your shipment report.
What's the easiest way to verify my cards are OK for the Curated Service?
Check with our Estimate Tool, if possible. Our Estimate Tool will indicate whether your entire collection is eligible to send to our Curated Service. This is the easiest way to know for sure that your cards will meet our value criteria. In the event that your entire collection is not eligible for our Curated Service, our estimate tool report will also show the individual cards that are eligible so you have the option of separating them from the rest of your collection. Or you can spot check individual cards with our price checker.
The Estimate Tool says my cards are eligible for Curated Service, but there are some bulk cards in my collection. Is that OK?
Yes, if the Estimate Tool says your cards are eligible, you're all set. Our Estimate Tool will indicate if your entire collection is eligible for our Curated Service. In some cases, your collection may be eligible even when there are several bulk/valueless cards. While normally we do not permit any low value cards in our Curated Service, our Estimate Tool has a tolerance for low value cards as long as the overall value of your collection meets our requirements.
I have a LOT of copies of one card. Why is the Sorted Service limited to 40 quantity of each card?
Vendor quantity limits. Many of our retail buylisting partners limit the number of copies they will buy of any one card. And so, there can be diminishing returns when the best buylists have a quantity limit. In an effort to maintain price consistency, and to minimize such disappointment, we limit submissions to 40 copies of any single card.
Is there a maximum number of cards I can send?
2500 card limit. Please limit shipments to 2500 cards (equivalent to 10lbs/4.5kg). Do not register multiple shipments to work around this limitation. We can make exceptions: Please reach out to [email protected] to discuss your cards in more detail.
Is there a maximum number of cards for Sorted Shipments?
500 card limit. Sorted Shipments are limited to 500 cards, but you are welcome to submit multiple Sorted Shipments. Just be sure they are clearly separated, labeled, and independently sorted per our instructions.
Can I pay to have my cards cataloged (and mailed back)?
No. Our services are geared towards paying a great buylist price for your Magic cards. We're unable to offer a cataloging-only service at this time.
Are the reviews on your website real? Are there customer incentives for writing reviews?
They are real, and we offer no incentives. Our customers are welcome to contribute a review once we have completed shipment processing and issued payment. We do not offer any incentives such as discounts for writing a review, and all reviews on our website were voluntarily contributed by customers who used our service. Customers choose what name appears on their review, and whether to include details like their total payout and fees, or a link to their shipment's stats page. We don't edit reviews, but we may have to remove one if it contains very offensive language.
Does Card Conduit sell cards at retail?
Yes, check out Spellfinder. Our service pays buylist (wholesale) value to our customers, and many of the cards we process are forwarded to our buylisting partners. In many cases, however, we opt to sell cards via our retail brand Spellfinder (opens new tab).
Where do I need to ship my cards?
Sandy, Utah. We provide our full shipping address and instructions during the shipment registration process.
Note that we changed our shipping address in December 2024. Our previous address in Salt Lake City is still being supported for customers who have shipments in transit.
How should I prepare my cards for shipment?
Refer to our Shipping Guide. Our shipping guide includes suggestions for packaging, shipping carriers, and other tips to ensure your cards reach us securely and without damage. We must receive cards in an orderly fashion, so please be sure to package them securely.
Should my cards be sleeved?
No, and there is a surcharge for sleeves. There will be an additional fee of $20 if your shipment contains (100+) sleeved cards, and another $20 for each additional 500 sleeved cards within your shipment. This fee helps offset labor costs of de-sleeving cards, and we hope encourages customers to de-sleeve their cards before sending them. Sleeves do not provide additional protection to cards in transit, and in fact are more likely to cause card damage.
Can I send multiple shipments in one box?
Yes, just clearly label them. It's not uncommon for customers to send multiple shipments in one box (and to combine our different services at the same time). To do so, register separate shipments in our system, and be sure to clearly separate/label them with the appropriate Shipment ID in the box.
Do you accept shipments from outside the US?
Yes, we do. We accept shipments from outside the US, but you should expect little to no value for non-English cards.
Do you accept signature delivery?
Yes. Requiring signature on your shipment is not a problem.
Do I need to pay for shipping?
Yes, you do. Shipping is your responsibility and we recommend you get insurance.
Can I drop off my cards in person?
Yes, but they must be sealed and labeled. We use a UPS store box location for receiving packages before we bring them to our facility. Dropoffs can be accepted provided all requisite information is on the packaging and it's sealed properly.
How can I receive payment?
Your choice of ACH/Direct Deposit, Check, PayPal, or Zelle. You will be prompted to select your payment method when registering a shipment. Our maximum Zelle payment is $3,000. Also be aware that PayPal transactions are in USD and have a fee (usually 3-4%).
How long will it take to get my shipment report and to issue payment?
Under 2 weeks, typically. The time necessary to complete processing and send your full report is up to 7 business days, depending on the service you choose.
Processing Time (from date received):
Sorted Service 4 Business Days
Curated Service 5 Business Days
Standard Service 7 Business Days
If we are experiencing heavy volume, processing may take slightly longer, in which case we will contact you with an estimated timeframe.
Payment is issued within 3 business days, but may be delayed if your shipment has exceptionally valuable/unique cards, in which case you will be contacted directly about the reason for delay and the timeline for your payment.
Can you issue payment within one business day?
Actually, yes. Before issuing payment, we like to give customers an opportunity to review their results and communicate any questions or concerns.
If you've received your report and don't have any questions, you can choose to move into our payment queue, in which case we will issue payment on the next business day.
What will be in the final report of my shipment?
An itemized list of your cards with our assessed value. A searchable version of the report will be available via our website, as well as a CSV spreadsheet you can download. The report will include the condition of each non-bulk card.
Along with the report, we will provide a summary of the total amounts and our fees. Sometimes there are non-card items we could not process normally -- such as sealed booster packs -- and these will be listed separately as "miscellaneous items".
If I choose payment via check, how long will it take to get to me?
Expect 1 week for domestic mail delivery. We use a 3rd-Party check issuing company and 7 business days is the standard delivery estimate within the continental US. There is limited tracking via USPS business class mail scans, but we're unable to provide tracking information to customers directly at this time. If you have been waiting over 8 days since payment was issued, you can contact [email protected] and we'll be happy to investigate for you.
Could I get a chance to review my results before processing is finalized?
Yes, if requirements are met, and +1 day processing time. We realize some customers would like an opportunity to review how we've assessed and graded their cards. Our "hold for review" option is available if (1) you are using the Curated or Sorted Shipment Service and (2) your shipment is 500 cards or less*. If you meet these criteria and choose our "hold for review" option during shipment registration, we can plan on setting your processed cards aside for a 48-hour review period upon completion of processing. We offer this option for customers who have specific expectations about results, and would like an opportunity to review and resolve any concerns.
Please note that selecting the "hold for review" option will add 1 business day to your estimated processing time.
*If you wanted to use our "hold for review" option and have more than 500 cards to send, you are welcome to break them up into separate curated/sorted shipments.
If I have a hold for review, will you send back my cards?
Only in rare circumstances. During shipment registration, we ask you to know acknowledge we have no obligation to return your cards, but we will consider doing so as a last resort. Processing cards is labor intensive, and returning them means we are unable to recoup our costs.
Holds on shipments allow us to provide information/photos to support our assessment of your cards. If, despite evidence supporting the grades or pricing, we are unable to reach a mutually agreeable solution, we may return items.
Do you file tax documents (e.g. 1099s) for customer payouts?
No. Because we are not a payment processor, we are not required to, nor do we report payments made to you via 1099. It is up to you to handle accounting and filing for any income you may have related to your sale.
What are your Standard Service fees?
10% of value + $0.03/card. Our Standard Service is for cards of any value, and fees are 10% of the total value we assess for your cards, plus $0.03 per card.
What are your Curated Service fees?
5% of value. Our Curated Service is for valuable cards only ($0.50+ buylist), and fees are 5% of the total value we assess for your cards, with no per card fee.
What are your Sorted Service fees?
2% of value. Our Sorted Service is for valuable cards (0.50+ buylist) you have selected and sorted in advance, and fees are 2% of the total value we assess for your cards, with no per card fee.
Are there any fees aside from processing fees?
Only for desleeving cards. There will be an additional fee of $20 if your shipment contains (100+) sleeved cards, and another $20 for each additional 500 sleeved cards within your shipment. This fee helps offset labor costs of de-sleeving cards, and we hope encourages customers to de-sleeve their cards before sending them. Sleeves do not provide additional protection to cards in transit, and in fact are more likely to cause card damage.
What if fees exceed the total value of my shipment? Could I owe money?
No payment will be issued; you do not owe anything. You would not receive any payout from your collection, but you would also not owe us any additional fees to cover the deficit.
Does the per-card fee apply to every card? Even the cards worth nothing?
Yes, for all processed cards. Our per-card fee applies to every card we process for your report, even the cards worth nothing. This fee is for the labor involved with processing your shipment. We recommend filtering out cards that are typically not worth the processing fees, such as nonfoil commons and basic lands, prior to sending in to our service.
Do your bulk rates account for the Standard Shipment per-card fee?
No, our listed bulk rates are before any fee is applied. This means that some bulk (such as bulk commons and uncommons) would have a net negative impact on your final payout for the cards you ship to us. You can find our bulk rates in our terms.
Can I avoid processing fees on cards with no value (i.e. bulk)?
We recommend filtering bulk in advance. The best way to avoid needless processing fees is to filter out your nonfoil commons and basic lands prior to sending in to our service. These categories of cards are generally not worth the shipping cost, fees, or labor.
How is card value determined?
Optimized buylist price. Card value is an optimized amount based on the prices being paid by our buylist partners, the card's condition, and other market factors. Buylist prices reflect the amount retailers are generally willing to pay at wholesale for the card. It differs from retail prices since it reflects the shipping and transaction costs, overhead and expected margin for a card. "Optimized buylist" means we are optimizing prices across multiple sources and market factors such that we're able to offer better average buylist pricing than any one retailer in the market. Prices are not locked in until the cards have been processed.
What partners does Card Conduit use for selling / buylisting cards?
Most major retailers. We utilize buylists from a variety of major vendors, as well as smaller buying partners, some of which are not publicly available. In many cases, we opt to sell cards outside a traditional buylist.
How is card condition determined?
TCGplayer standards. We apply the TCGplayer condition standards regarding wear, scratches, clouding, indentations, and various other criteria to assess the condition of your cards to one of: Near Mint, Lightly Played, Moderately Played, Heavily Played, Damaged, or Rejected (no value/counterfeit). This condition assessment will appear on your itemized report (for non-bulk cards).
We recommend customers review the TCGplayer Condition Guide for a detailed breakdown of the various criteria when grading cards. When appraising your own cards, we recommend using a bright white LED light, and be sure to remove cards from sleeves, remember to inspect the back, and check the card at various angles to discover wear that may be harder to see. Feel free to reach out to our support team for more information, or for explanations of condition grading once you've received your report.
What is bulk?
Cards with litte to no value. Usually cards that are in very high supply, or with little or no demand. These cards will still have a retail value, but they are not being purchased in the wholesale market and have no buylist value.
Is it worth sending just my bulk cards?
Absolutely not. In the vast majority of cases sending a shipment of pure bulk won't be worth the shipping fees (or our labor fees) to process.
What if my shipment is a mix of valuable cards and bulk?
Remove commons and basic lands. If you have a fair amount of bulk in your collection, we recommend filtering out the nonfoil commons and basic lands prior to sending to our Standard Service. In the vast majority of cases, commons and basic lands are not worth the cost of shipping and are not worth our labor/fees to process. If there are specific commons you are sure have buylist market value, those are fine to send.
What rates do you offer for bulk cards?
Depends on card type. Bulk rates (moderately played condition or better):
$0.002 Common
$0.002 Uncommon
$0.030 Rare
$0.130 Mythic Rare
$0.005 Basic Land
$0.030 Basic Land (Full Art)
$0.030 Common
$0.030 Uncommon
$0.100 Rare
$0.130 Mythic Rare
$0.050 Basic Land
Bulk cards in heavily played or worse condition are assessed at $0.
Non-English Cards: What value should I expect?
No value. We do not purchase non-English cards, except when the card's original version was non-English (e.g., Strixhaven Mystical Archive cards were printed in Japanese). Unfortunately, non-English cards in the US have very few outlets when buylisting. Rather than shipping non-English cards to us, we recommend the Foreign High-End Foil MTG and the Non-English MTG Facebook groups for selling your high value non-English cards.
Artist-Signed Cards: What value should I expect?
Not recommended: Limited buyers; condition downgrade. Most vendors consider artist-signed cards to be Heavily Played or Damaged condition (regardless of actual wear and tear) and will not purchase them. The vendors who do purchase signed cards will only buy them if in Near Mint condition, and even then they will downgrade their buy price (typically applying their Lightly Played or Moderately Played price). Typically we don’t recommend sending them in to our service, as there is a risk they will not return much value, but we will of course process them to the best of our ability if you choose to include them in your shipment.
Altered Art Cards: What value should I expect?
Not recommended: Automatic damaged condition. Unfortunately, most US vendors do not purchase Altered Art cards. The ones that do tend to grade them as "Damaged" (Even if they're otherwise in pristine condition) and so at best we'll see is 25% of Near Mint value given. So while, yes, we can accept them, in most cases you'll get better value soliciting offers from some of the various Facebook groups that deal with Altered Art cards such as the High End MTG Alters group. There are numerous others, so your best bet would be to solicit multiple or find one the fits the niche your Altered Art cards belong.
Tokens: What value should I expect?
No value. We do not process tokens, and those items will not appear in your itemized report.
What about cards with a strong/unusual smell?
No value. Unfortunately, cards with strong or unusually heavy smells permeating them such as smoke, mold, or mildew, are unable to be liquidated/sold wholesale and in extreme cases will be returned to you. In some of these situations there are remedies available around the web, however, they can be time consuming and so are not a service we're able to provide here.
How can multiple copies of the same card have different assessed values?
Buylist quantity limits. Some of our buying partners have limitations on the quantity they'll accept of a specific card. If you send several copies of the same card, we may need to sell copies to more than one partner at different prices.
What if I disagree with Card Conduit's assessed value of my cards?
Contact us with your concerns. Our business is set up to maximize the value of your cards by utilizing large, reliable buylist vendors and understanding the grading conditions (and value downgrades) of those vendors. However, due to the cost and time required to individually catalog shipments, we are unable to change the assessed value (or assessed condition) of any cards.
We will, however, certainly review specific items of concern to further explain our valuation/grading process, and provide any additional details we can to help you understand the basis for our conclusions.
Do you ever resell cards at a higher condition than you assess in a customer's report?
No. Whatever condition we assess in our customer report is the same condition we use when reselling the cards.
I'm a wholesale buyer. How can I partner with Card Conduit?
Email us. We are always on the lookout for reliable, responsive vendors with extensive buylists to add to our sales outlet options. Reach out to us at [email protected] to discuss being included.
Do you have an affiliate program?
Yes, we do. We do have a limited affiliate program. If you're interested in becoming an affiliate, please reach out to us at [email protected]
Would Card Conduit donate cards to my charity organization?
Yes, we would. We'd like to work with any charity or organization that can put Magic cards to a positive non-commercial use. Please reach out to us at [email protected].
How does Card Conduit handle culturally insensitive cards?
Customers receive buylist value; our proceeds are donated. We have special handling for cards deemed culturally insensitive or otherwise problematic by WoTC. Our customers will receive buylist value for such cards, just like any other card they send to us. On our side, however, any proceeds generated through the subsequent sale of these cards will be donated to charity. For 2024 we donated $4800 to support The College Settlement of Philadelphia.
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