Our Curated & Sorted Services: An Easier Way to Buylist Magic Cards

While our Standard service is really just pack and ship, our Curated Service and Sorted Service options offer lower fees in exchange for a little more up front work to prep the cards you'll be sending.

To use our Curated Service, the cards you send need to have $0.50+ buylist value. That's it. They still don't need to be sorted or cataloged in advance. Because our fees are based on card value, ensuring your shipment doesn't include bulk/low value cards is a more efficient use of our labor and we're able to offer a lower fee of 5% when using our Curated Service. We recommend using our Price Check Tool and our Estimate Tool if you're unsure whether your cards meet our $0.50 buylist value minimum.

Our Sorted Service takes this a step further by asking you to specify and sort the cards you're sending in advance. When you register a shipment and choose our Sorted Service, we will provide tools to select eligible cards for your shipment. Once you've finalized your list, we will then provide instructions for you to sort your cards before shipping them to us. The fee for our Sorted Service is only 2% since, again, you're helping us save on labor costs by contributing to some of the processing we would normally do ourselves.

Who Should Use Our Curated and Sorted Services

Our Curated and Sorted Services are designed to keep things extremely easy for you, but to reward the work you do with lower processing fees. Tasks like separating out the cards of value and sorting them in a particular way is pretty typical for normal buylisting with MTG vendors, and may feel familiar to some of our customers. You still benefit from the best buylist prices for your cards among our major buylist partners, but only need to send a single shipment to us, rather than several shipments to several vendors. You still don't need worry about grading your cards in advance or doing price comparisons -- we take care of that for you.

Here's a breakdown of the reasons we think someone would really appreciate our Curated and Sorted services, versus individuals who might want to go a different route:

Curated/Sorted Shipments are Great For People Who:

  • buylist on occasion or frequently to one vendor.
  • buylist on occasion or frequently to multiple vendors.
  • are comfortable with receiving buylist prices but want to eliminate time spent on selling cards.
  • want to use our Standard service but are willing to do a little extra work to filter and/or sort their cards before shipping them to us.

You buylist frequently to one vendor.

If you’re using a single vendor to buylist with, you’re missing out on great prices from other vendors in the industry. The vendor you’re selling to now is very likely one of our buylist partners, so shipments to us will mean higher payouts – even after our fees.

You buylist frequently to multiple vendors.

If you’re using multiple vendors to buylist with, you’re probably savvy and always looking for the best buylist price. You can still get that from us, but instead of multiple shipments to different vendors, you’re sending a single shipment to us. You may find we have access to buylist prices not available to the public, or to vendors you’re not currently using. Don’t forget you won’t need to deal with weird sorting rules for every vendor – time is money!

You are comfortable with receiving buylist prices but want to eliminate time spent on selling cards.

You’re generally happy with the buylist prices you see across the vendor-sphere, but you are capped out on time to pay attention to special sorting rules, uploading cards into buylists and waiting for approvals (or rejections), and hate staying on top of the nuances with buylisting with each vendor. We streamline everything and take a lot of hassle out of the buylisting process.

You want to use our Standard service but are willing to do a little extra work to filter and/or sort their cards before shipping them to us.

Card Conduit's buying process is straight-forward, easy to understand, and above all, transparent. You get the best rates available to us from our major buylist partners for the cards you send in, and our fee is aligned with your desire to maximize your payout without having to go through the pains of grading and shipping out your cards.

You Might Consider Other Options If:

  • You are very price sensitive.
  • You want to sell your cards at or close to retail value
  • You don't want to sell your cards unless the price is "right"

You are very price sensitive

With Card Conduit, you're effectively paying us to do the work of sorting, grading, and parceling out your cards at the best possible buylist price among our major buylist partners. If you have the ability and desire to maximize your collection value by selling individual cards from your collection on marketplace sites (e.g., TCGPlayer, eBay, etc.), even our Curated service may not be a good fit to sell your cards.

You want to sell your collection at or close to retail value

The MTG industry uses price guides like TCGPlayer Mid or a vendor's sell price to determine "value". Retail selling price is often a price only vendors can achieve. When players sell cards themselves, they typically sell their items to vendors at Magic Fests or online. The selling price obtained this way is often called "buylist" pricing, and can be quite a bit less than retail – especially for lower value cards (items < $5). The prices Card Conduit uses are the highest buylist pricing available from its major buylist partners. So, while you get the best rates in this pricing tier for your collection, the value assigned to cards in your collection will not be the retail prices on those cards.

You don't want to sell your cards unless the price is "right"

Card Conduit's system is set up to put in significant work to determine the value of your collection and efficiently sort it for immediate sale. Because of this, we are unable to return your cards after this work is done if you think the price isn't high enough. Our system is designed to be transparent and maximize your value to the greatest extent we can, but if you have any hesitation as to whether you really want to sell, or that you could get a higher price on your own, Card Conduit is probably not a great fit for your collection.

Retail vs. Buylist Prices

The Magic:The Gathering market uses price guides like TCGPlayer Mid or a particular vendor's selling price to determine "value". Typically, such retail prices can only be achieved by vendors.

Instead, when players want to sell cards, they will usually sell to a vendor's "Buylist". Buylisting is essentially a wholesale market, where cards are purchased by vendors at below-retail prices for the purposes of resale.

Card Conduit seeks out the best prices among our major buylist partners (e.g. SCG, Card Kingdom, and others) to optimize the value of your collection.

Comparing Our Shipment Services

Our STANDARD SERVICE is for up to 2500 unsorted cards, and the fees are 10% of the total assessed value, plus $0.03 per card. This service is ideal for customers who want the easiest option. We do all the work.

Our CURATED SERVICE is for shipments of valuable cards, and the fees are of 5% of the total assessed value. This service involves a little more work for you, as you'll need to ensure you're only sending cards of value.

Our SORTED SERVICE is for shipments of valuable cards, and the fees are only 2% of the total assessed value. This service is similar to traditional buylisting. You will need to select and sort the eligible cards you're sending in advance (we provide a selection tool once you've registered a shipment in our system).

Regardless of which service you choose, we're committed to providing a great experience during your card selling journey!

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