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Customer Reviews
of our Magic collection selling service

Review left Aug 31 2023
Shipment processed Aug 20 2023
$428.44 payout, $35.00 fees

Great service, expected results


-Easy to use, quick communication, and a great experience overall.

-I submitted 7200+ cards and requested a review to see how they grade/price. CC let me know a review of that size would disrupt their processing. I believe this is because they utilize the processing time to prepare outgoing shipments to their buylist partners. We instead completed a smaller portion of the order for review first. I'm a professional grading dealer by trade and found their grading acceptable. I wish it was possible to grade signed cards something other than damaged, but I understand why that isn't possible.

-My strategy in submitting on the standard tier was to offload all my <$10 cards. Since their buy price of rares and foils is .03, and their processing fee is .03, I intended to sacrifice any true bulk foils/rares and allow them to find anything that would net positive value.

-CC found a bunch of $1-$10 cards I never would have noticed, and even identified a $90 card I missed (despite playing/collecting for over a decade). Many of these ended up being random older foil rares and foil basics. Finding and capitalizing on every card like this would be near impossible without significant work.

-Make sure you use a discount code to maximize value. I received ~65% of TCG low. This is completely acceptable when the alternative is organizing, listing, packing, and shipping 7000+ cards, most of which are worth less than 10 cents. Additionally, considering the costs of card protection, shipping materials, fees, and labels, CC is worth it for anyone who values their time. I'll likely be using them again, and I intend to give their other services a shot to see if it could be worth selling >$10 cards when considering the above.
We launched our reviews feature in January 2021, and invited every previous customer to leave a review. Reviewers have the option to omit their payout/fee amounts and shipment highlights page. We publish all reviews, unedited, but may post a response in certain cases. We may need to remove a review if it's offensive (profanity, etc).