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Customer Reviews
of our Magic collection selling service

Chris Pebler
Review left Feb 11 2024
Shipment processed Feb 01 2024

Good experience


Service is fine, does what it says on the tin. I'd enjoy seeing more clarity towards foreign cards though. Things like worldly tutor, grave pact, sylvan library shouldn't just be classed as "bulk" because they're not English. That's disingenuous at best. As someone that owns a Zodiac Dragon in simplified Chinese, I would now look elsewhere if I were interested in selling it.

Even if the policy doesn't change, there should be a clear statement towards how foreign cards are handled, and it should take into account certain known high profile cards.
Card Conduit Team

Replied Feb 11 2024

Non-English cards are addressed in our FAQ, in which we explain they typically have little to no value via our service, and we suggest not shipping them in. The guidance we give when customers ask us about it is that we do our best to find a price, but that most US vendors will not buy non-English cards, and so expectations should be very tempered; typically speaking we can find a price for cards that buylist for more than $10, and the price expected is usually 40-60% of the English equivalent – but there are no guarantees. We do not recommend sending in foil non-English cards.

In the case of the items mentioned, the Sylvan Library was not bulk, and had a price – though it was only 21% of the English equivalent. The Worldly Tutor falls below the threshold we can typically find any price for, and Grave Pact was not included within this shipment. A card like Zodiac Dragon in simplified Chinese would not be a good card to send via our service, as the sales rate is extremely slow – and so vendors prices for it will reflect the very low liquidity of the card.
We launched our reviews feature in January 2021, and invited every previous customer to leave a review. Reviewers have the option to omit their payout/fee amounts and shipment highlights page. We publish all reviews, unedited, but may post a response in certain cases. We may need to remove a review if it's offensive (profanity, etc).