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Customer Reviews
of our Magic collection selling service

Review left Jul 10 2023
Shipment processed Jun 29 2023
$437.19 payout, $8.92 fees

Extremely satisfied


Process was super easy. I only had ~100 cards of value, pre-sorted, so I chose the option to ship them sorted. The card picker on the site was easy to use. The whole process went very smooth and was extremely transparent. They sent a nice pricing chart on what to expect based on the state of my cards, and I was expecting the lower amount but actually ended up with almost the highest! Thinking about sending the rest of my unsorted collection in the future.
We launched our reviews feature in January 2021, and invited every previous customer to leave a review. Reviewers have the option to omit their payout/fee amounts and shipment highlights page. We publish all reviews, unedited, but may post a response in certain cases. We may need to remove a review if it's offensive (profanity, etc).