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Customer Reviews
of our Magic collection selling service

Review left Nov 10 2021
Shipment processed Oct 27 2021
$229.43 payout, $12.07 fees

Second time user, just as happy.


Second time using the "curated shipment", I am so impressed with this service I have been telling every one of my friends who are into CCG's. The process of looking up the cards you want to sell on the conduit site is the most time consuming. if you are anything like me, you are often looking at prices on many different sites anyhow, so putting in that minimal amount of effort is perfect.
We launched our reviews feature in January 2021, and invited every previous customer to leave a review. Reviewers have the option to omit their payout/fee amounts and shipment highlights page. We publish all reviews, unedited, but may post a response in certain cases. We may need to remove a review if it's offensive (profanity, etc).